Wednesday, February 26, 2014

27/02/2014 SHOW POEM

Gearing up …
Metal hooks, fishing line
Rods, reels
The ‘reel’ deal

The rocks and weed
Snagging the line
The tip of the rod bending over
The line speeding off the reel

Watching the white water
Waiting for the big fish
Behind the boat
Searching for little fish
Bait for big fish
Waiting for a bite  

From a boat
Watching dolphins
Frolicking in the wide deep ocean
Wondering if the fish are still there
Or scared away
By the majestic creatures of the sea

The extreme moment
When the fish takes lure
The rush to your rod
When the fish steals the bait
And races out to sea.  
Into the deep waters
Of the Tasman Sea

When the line goes tight
The cranking of each wind as you reel it in.
All the pressure pushed off you
When the fish comes ashore  

And who can forget …
The delicious pan fried fillets.